Blog Updates Summary Post

In the past few months, there have been many updates to the blog that I would like to summarize here.

Blog Updates

An Unquiet Mind, which got a tagline, has an updated About Myself page (again). The recent films series is now indexed in the Favorite Films A to Z page, which will also let you download or access the list online once the list is finished.

The sidebar includes a link to my Author Profile at, from where you can subscribe to my MUO articles RSS feed. My FriendFeed updates are shown in the sidebar. This will show you my recent tweets and updates even if you are not using any of those services. Clicking on the FriendFeed widget will take you to my FriendFeed profile, from where you can connect with me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other web services you choose (even if you don’t use FriendFeed).

Blogroll Updates

  • 42: Litterateuse Gauri, who has a unique way with words
  • Dev’s World: A serious student and professional of film-making, who generously and meticulously shares his knowledge and wisdom
  • Gaizabonts: The multi-dimensional and prolific Atul Sabnis
  • Karma Calling: DotMom’s insightful and enjoyable experiences with family life and parenting
  • Life Rules!: Gauri Gharpure, who writes beautiful poetry, and whose blog I’ve yet to explore further
  • POV: Harini’s perspective on current affairs which usually resonates very well with me
  • Time and Again: Ruhi, who shares my passion for good cinema
  • Visceral Observations: Poonam, who should have been on my blogroll a long time back

Needless to say, these one line descriptions of blogs are not meant to encapsulate them – they are just the essence of what I’ve discovered so far.

Lastly, I wanted to mention that Nita had graciously wanted to bestow the Brilliant Weblog Award on An Unquiet Mind, at a time when I was on a hiatus for personal reasons. By being inactive at the time, I have relinquished the award, but I do want to say that your comments, emails, and remembrance always mean a lot to me.

Please do let me know if you have any suggestions, criticism, or any other feedback regarding the blog updates!

6 thoughts on “Blog Updates Summary Post

  1. Mahendra, it’s good to know that you are back to blogging regularly again. I do hope that you continue now that you have started. And about the blogroll, you’ve reminded me of something I should be doing too. I have not updated my blogroll for ages and need to do so soon!

  2. Thanks for mentioning my blog, though Iam not sure if I really deserve all those words you used for me. 🙂

  3. Thank you 🙂 I used to have a Blogroll, but not anymore. I need to rebuild it. It’s good to see my dormant blog’s name here- because you list a couple of chosen blogs. So it flatters me. 😉

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